a cadet branch, the alliterating antonym fámennr (and some byforms), which, One possibility [ ] is that given Comestor s predilection for glossing liturgical 


Find 33 ways to say PREDILECTION, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

Top predilection antonyms (nouns) are dislike, hatred and fairness. Antonyms for predilection ˌprɛd lˈɛk ʃən, ˌprid-This page is about all possible antonyms and opposite words for the term predilection. Princeton's WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate these antonyms: predilection, preference, orientation (noun) a predisposition in favor of something 24 Predilection antonyms. What are opposite words of Predilection? Dislike, disinclination, hate. Full list of antonyms for Predilection is here.

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predilection | definition: a predisposition in favor of something | synonyms: orientation, preference| antonyms: strength, invulnerability, good part, perfection Predilection antonyms. Top antonyms for predilection (opposite of predilection) on this page are dread, disaffection and dismay. Page 2. Antonyms for predilection for include indifference, apathy, disregard, insouciance, callousness, nonchalance and unconcern. Find more opposite words at wordhippo.com!

det är en antonym till optimism, den motsatta tron att saker generellt blir bättre An intellectual predilection for the hard, gruesome, evil, problematic aspect of 

synonymous items that compete for the same slot are fused and realised as one predilection for affix/syllable intrusion seems to be a predictable result within  the late nineteenth century as an antonym to antisemitism. would make it possible to discern some characteristics, such as predilection.

antivenin/MS antiviral/S antivivisectionist/S antiwar antler/DMS antonym/SM predigest/SGD predilect predilection/MS predispose/GSD predisposition/SM 

Predilection antonym

Synonyms for PREDILECTION: bond, attachment, love affair, cast, turn, approach , like, squint, warmth, Amore, Philosophies, headset, where one is at, head-set,  Antonyms for predilection. inclination, preference toward something: dislike, fairness, disinclination, impartiality, disinterest, hate, antipathy, hatred. noun:. AVERSION means a dislike for something or someone.

Predilection antonym

Information about predilection in the AudioEnglish.org dictionary, synonyms and antonyms. Synonyms for partiality in Free Thesaurus.
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Predilection antonym

Top antonyms for predilection (opposite of predilection) on this page are dread, disaffection and dismay. Page 2.

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antonym - antonym. antropolog - anthropologist. antroposof - anthroposophist förkärlek - predilection. förköp - advance-booking. förlag - publishing-house.

Synonyms for partiality in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for partiality. 52 synonyms for partiality: liking, love, taste, weakness, preference, inclination, affinity Learn how to say Predilection with EmmaSaying free pronunciation tutorials.Definition and meaning can be found here:https://www.google.com/search?q=define+Pr Synonyms for host of predilection in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for host of predilection.

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antitrust. antiviral. antler. antlers. antlion. antlions. antonym. antonyms. antral. antrum. ants. antwerp. anus. anvil. anvils predilection. predilections. predispose.

Antonyms for host of predilection. 58 synonyms for host: master of ceremonies, proprietor, innkeeper, landlord or landlady, presenter, compere, anchorman or anchorwoman, give, hold, provide. More 500 Predilection synonyms. What are another words for Predilection? Penchant, partiality, propensity.