we know that 1 KJ = 1000J. so to convert from J to KJ we add in this factor. 1 J x (1KJ/1000J) as you can see here the Joules cancel out and you are left with KJ. to determine kJ/mol you divide the kJ by the number of moles used up . so if say 7 moles were used and you know 7 kJ were used you would have 7 kJ/7 mol = 1kJ/mol
One kilojoules is equal to 1000 joules: 1kJ = 1000J. The energy E(J) in joules (J) is equal to
What is 0.1 kilojoules in joules? This simple calculator will allow you to easily convert 0.1 kJ to J. 1 Kilowatt hour (kWh) is equal to 3600 kilojoules (kJ). To convert kWh to kJ, multiply the kWh value by 3600. For example, to convert 5 kWh to kJ, multiply 5 by 3600, that makes 18000 kJ is 5 kWh. kWh to kJ formula. kJ = kWh * 3600.
Omräkningsfaktorer. J. kJ. kWh kpm kcal. 1.
1 Joules to common energy units; 1 J = 1 joules (J) 1 J = 0.001 kilojoules (kJ) 1 J = 0.23900573613767 calories (cal) 1 J = 0.00023900573613767 kilocalories (kcal) 1 J = 6.2414959617521E+18 electron volt (eV) 1 J = 0.00027777777777778 watt hour (Wh) 1 J = 2.2937126583579E+17 atomic unit of energy (au) 1 J = 2.3900573613767E-10 tons of TNT (tTNT
Ask Question Asked 5 years, 5 months ago. Simply convert $\mathrm J$ to $\mathrm{kJ}$ by dividing by $1000$. Since $1\ \mathrm How to convert joules to kilojoules [J to kJ]: E kJ = 0.001 × E J. How many kilojoules in a joule: If E J = 1 then E kJ = 0.001 × 1 = 0.001 kJ. How many kilojoules in 63 joules: If E J = 63 then E kJ = 0.001 × 63 = 0.063 kJ.
Några bra att veta värden (OBS: egentligen är det kilokalorier och kilojoule men vi bortser från 1000-faktorn i här). 1 Kalori = 4,18 Joule; 1 Joule
En kråka väger C:a 500 gram (1/2 kilo) Jag har sett att en kråka kan äta samt 1 kg fett innehåller cirka 9 000 kCal eller 37 000 kJ, dvs 37 MJ Hur många kilojoule innehåller Läskedryck, sötad med aspartam? gram Läskedryck, sötad med aspartam innehåller 1 kCal eller 4 kilojoule.
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Energy or heat: E[kJ]=0.001×E[J]. E[J]=1 000 ×E[kJ].
1 joule is equal to 0.001 kJ. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. To convert 1 Joules to Kilojoules you have to multiply 1 by 0.001, since 1 Joule is 0.001 Kilojoules. The result is the following: 1 J × 0.001 = 0.001 kJ 1 J = 0.001 kJ
1 Joule (J) is equal to 0.001 kilojoule (kJ).
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Kilojoules a Joule. Conversione tra le unità (kJ → J ) o vedere la tabella di conversione. Convert LIVE. 1 Kilojoules = 1000 Joule: 10 Kilojoules = 10000 Joule:
The joule (J) is equal to the energy expended or work done in applying a force of one newton through a distance of one meter (1 newton meter or N·m). By another definition, the joule is equal to the energy required to pass an electric current of one ampere through a one ohm resistor for one second. So 1 kilojoule = 10 3 joules.
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(7-1). SI unit: newton-meter (N·m) = joule, J. 7-1 Work Done by a Constant W = Fd = 82,0 N • 3,00 m = 246 Nm = 246 J W = ΔK = mvf2/2 – mvi2/2 = 91,6 kJ.
14, megajoule, MJ. 15, Energitet⁶), Y, joule per kilogram, J/kg. Energi mäts i joule, J med multiplarna kJ (kilojoule), MJ (megajoule) En stor biff ger 1.200 kJ (kilojoule), 1 kg morötter 1.500 kJ och ett ägg megajoule, [Mj], 1.00e-3. kilojoule, [kj], 1.00. joule, [j], 1 000.00. millijoule, [mj], 1 000 000.00. microjoule, [µj], 1 000 000 000.00.