Tableau Mourant. 1992-93. Komposit konstruktion, guld, perylene svart pigment. 83,80 x 57,80 x 18,40 cm. Magasin III samling
Unrated by the ASTM, my 2004 lightfastness tests give it a "very good" (II) rating; masstone and tint darken and dull after two months' exposure to sunlight. Definition of Perylene Pigments. Synthesis of Perylenes. The Conditioning of Perylene Diimide Pigments.
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Daniel Smith – Perylene Scarlet. red : pyrrole : PR254. Blockx – Blockx Red. The table below provides all the important information about the composition, characteristics and permanence of the Professional Water Colour range. You can use it to tell you how a colour will appear on your surface (transparency/opacity), how long it will last (permanence) and what pigments it is made from (chemical description) plus much more. Perylene black pigment for infrared reflecting paints Chemische Struktur Chemical Nature: Perylenschwarz C.I. Pigment Schwarz 32 Perylene Black C.I. Pigment Black 32 Color Index No. 71133 Physikalische Form Physical Form: Pulver/powder Physikalische Daten Physical Data: pH-Wert pH-value 7–10 Leitfähigkeit Conductivity < 200 µS/cm Dichte The pigment database describes it as `Dark Orange to Violet Brown'. Bruce McEvoy prefers PR179 Perylene Maroon because of its greater strength. PR206 isn't listed at all by Graham, Rembrandt, DaVinci, Sennelier or Holbein.
Pérylène (pigment) Les pérylènes sont des pigments organiques de synthèse. Ils permettent de produire de nombreuses nuances de rouge : clair (PR123), moyens (PR178, PR149) et sombres (PR179, PR189, PR190, PR224, PV29) ainsi qu'un noir (PBk31, PBk32). Ils sont appréciés pour leur transparence, mais sont onéreux.
Ils peuvent produire beaucoup de nuances de rouge: claire PR123, signifie PR178, PR149, et sombre, et un noir PBk31, PBk32. Ils sont appréciés pour leur transparence, mais ils sont coûteux.
Several pigments based on the well-known class of photogenerators N dibenzo-[a, j]pérylène-7,8,15,16-tétracarboxylique et on a vérifié la validité des calculs.
naturvetenskap och tillämpad vetenskap - 1 miljard översättningar klassificerade efter verksamhetsområden på 28 språk. av K Lutzenberger · Citerat av 17 — Synthetic organic pigments have extremely varied chemical struc- Pigment Yellow 83, are briefly discussed with respect to their use Perylene and. Perinon. som erbjuder konstnärer det bredaste och mest balanserade urval av pigment med största möjliga beständighet. 1/2-kopp Perylene Violet 470 (3F) S2 Pigment Röd 149. Tillverkningsmetoder: Perylene-3,4,9,10-tetrakarboxylsyra och 3,5-Dimetylbensenaminkondens, sluten slinga.
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Vad hände i september 2021
2016-06-07 · Perylene “green” is not a green but a black pigment with a green hue. Like most black pigments it is obtained by combustion, in this case burning a derivative of perylenetetracarboxylic, i.e. another Perylene. This is a bit of a mouthful and just means that like most blacks, it is made by burning some substance. Le pérylène est un composé chimique de formule C 20 H 12.C'est un hydrocarbure aromatique polycyclique se présentant comme un solide brun.
Da Vinci – Perylene Maroon. Perylene pigment wastewater treatment by fenton-enhanced biological process. Environmental Research, 2020.
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Perylene Pigments and their Applications. Perylenes as Functional Colorants. Current Producers. Pricing Trends and Economics of Use. Health, Safety, and Environmental Considerations. References. Citing Literature. High Performance Pigments, Second Edition. Related; Information; Close Figure Viewer.
Synthesis of Perylenes. The Conditioning of Perylene Diimide Pigments.
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This invention relates to a process of preparing a perylene pigment compositions containing a reactive co-precipitated blend of (1) about 75 to about 99.9 mol %, relative to the pigment
The purpose of this series is to learn more about popular watercolor colors, where they originated, useful color combin Perylene Pigments including . C.I. Pigment Black 31 and 32; C.I. Pigment Red 123, 149, 178, 179, (C.I. Vat Red 23), 190 and 240; C.I. Pigment Violet 29; Oil Paint Pigment Chart Page 1 Oil Paint Pigment Chart Color Drying Time Opacity Notes Yellows PY35 Cadmium Light Slow Very SO / O Very opaque, Perylene Red BL Tints have marginal lightfastness, bright red, strong tint Perylene Red Perylene Maroon. Oil Paint Pigment Chart Page 4 2017-01-03 Transparent perylene red pigment for brilliant shades.